Sunday, July 31, 2016

Play Based Learning in LZ4

All the following photos were taken by our assigned photographers, Rico, Jack and Tain. 
Connor is writing a card for dad.  

Doctor Rico is on the job. 

Two scientists exploring mixing.

Tain and Mrs Costello are discovering some interesting facts about bats and where in the world they are found.

Sam is working hard taking calls at the Police station.

Taylor is the reporter for the morning and is reporting that Sam is Building.

Sam building as reported by Taylor

Kingston is having a creative morning, threading cut straws onto wool.

Important Police work in progress.

The friendly Officer Frankie

Watch out Frankie the Police Tiger is behind you!

Isabella has spent a long time making this CRIME SCENE DO NOT ENTER paper chain.
Setting up shop. Olivia is pricing all the food to go in the shop.

Amara is bagging up all the goodies for sale. YUM!

Creepie Crawlies Investigation - Learning Through Play

The Creepie Crawlies had fun last week choosing different ways to do their writing , using their imagination to build things they were interested in and inventing some new games for Olympics! Our focus for the term is around The Olympics, Rio de Janeiro, rainforests, "Around the world" and anything else that interests them!Please discuss your child's learning with them. We are trying to make their learning authentic, so if they experience something out of school and in school it all becomes more real for them!
Sascha and Alyssa did some holiday writing and drew a cool picture on the whiteboard table!

Willow chose a big piece of paper to tell us about her holidays!
Nathan and Jacob did their writing in their books. They used sound cards to help them sound out words they did not know!
Ryan and Cooper took on the challenge of a 100 piece jungle puzzle!

Murdo and Matthew decided to go "out of this world" and build a space station. They drew a plan and produced these cool items.
Ruby and Naho knew how to say hello in Fijian! They did bubble writing labels to put on our World Map!
Willow did cutting and sticking to make an interesting book.
These were our medal winners from one of our Bean bag throwing competitions!