Home Learning
As the year gets under way these will be the things that you see in your child's Book bag.
1. Poem Folder - a new Poem or Song will go into your child's bookbag on a Thursday or Friday. Please read the poem with your child and let them have a go at reading it back to you. Always remember to point at the words. Ask them to find a Benson Bear word or a Clown card word!
2. Home Learning Folder
Words for the Jolly Phonics songs- these songs help the children to recognize the sounds of the alphabet. The songs are also available on You tube.
Jolly Phonics sound sheet- please practice these sounds with your child- they can colour in or highlight the sounds they can recognize.
Benson Bear words- these words are the Essential words that children need to read and write. Benson words are READ ONLY words - they do not need to learn to write them. Words that your child needs to practice will be
underlined or circled. There are 3 books of Benson Bear words. These words help your child to become a fluent and confident reader. They will be
practiced in class as well.
Casey Caterpillar - letter shapes. These shapes help your child to form letters correctly and goes a long way to solving reversals etc. It is the language we use in the classroom so would be helpful if you could use the same language.
Clown Cards- these words are the same (as Benson Bear words) Essential
words needed to enable your child to become a competent writer. Your child
will not get these in there Home Learning folder straight away- they are
normally at school for about 6 weeks to a term before they will get Clown
Card words.
Progressions - please see the Progressions page for an explanation of these.
3. Reading Log - Please record on a daily basis what reading, writing and
learning your child does at home. If they do 3 or 4 things please feel free to
write them all as they will receive stickers for all the things they do. Reading
can be their reader sent home from school, a library book, a home book or
Sunshine Classics on the computer.
4. Reading Book - children will receive a reading book Monday - Thursday.
(Poem on a Friday.) Sometimes books may be left in their Bookbag for a few
days, as children love to read books several times. Please feel free to write
them into the reading log as many times as the child read them!
5. Library Book - We will be visiting the library every Thursday. Children are
allowed to choose a book to take home. This book can either stay in their
bookbag or can be left at home and sent back to school every THURSDAY. If
your child does not return their library book on Thursdays, they will not be
able to take a new one home.
6. Notices - All notices will be emailed, loaded onto the class Blog and a hard
copy will be put into their bookbags.