Activities to help your child learn

Not all children are ready to learn at the same time! Below are activities that will help your child to be ready to learn!

Advice for Parents - Maths 

·       Auditory discrimination - the ability to hear different sounds (and remember them).
Games to play-
I spy
Rhyming words 
I sound out c-a-t. What is that word.
Clapping for each word.
Clapping a pattern.
Clapping to word parts pen-cil
Joining compound words- bed-room.
What am I? I am little I am soft, I drink milk.
Opposites- Granny is old and you are ……………………….
Memory games  -Mrs Brown went shopping……………. She bought a banana
Mrs Brown went shopping……………. She bought a banana and an apple
Mrs Brown went shopping……………. She bought a banana an apple and a book

·       Visual discrimination- the ability to see likeness and differences in visual information (and remember them).
Games to play-
Spot the difference
Making repeating patterns
Making patterns on paper
Sequencing –from biggest to smallest
Memory games- Kim’s game
Tracing over pictures
Jigsaw puzzles
Cards- Go fish, Happy families, Uno, Memory
Connect 4
Guess who

·       Gross Motor activities
Catching, throwing, kicking, bouncing a ball

·       Fine Motor activities
Joining the dots
Cutting out
Plasticine or play dough.
Bead threading

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