The Zany Zoo
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Our production is in full swing. The children are performing in 3 shows.
Wednesday 26th at 1pm
Wednesday 26th at 7pm
Thursday 27th at 7pm
Children will need to come to the performance with foundation makeup on, some blusher and some red lipstick- even the boys!
Children need to arrive at school at 6.30pm. LZ1 to Rm 1, LZ2 to Rm 6 & 7, LZ3 to Rm 2 & 3, LZ4 to Rm 4 & 5.
On the nights of the evening performances, students should have a book to read, a quiet game and snacks and a drink of water (no lollies please).
Children can be collected from their rooms after the performance. Show finishes at approximately 8:30pm.
Tickets are for sale at the School Office. $15 adults, $10 child/senior citizen, preschoolers free.
See you all there!