Wednesday, August 9, 2017

STEAM - Coding robots Group 3

We are learning how to code our Blue bot robot so he can run away from dinosaurs, make it through the maze and travel the length of the dark tunnel! 

Monday, August 7, 2017

LZ4 Container Extravaganza

This morning LZ4 rooms 4,5 and 6 had a chance to get into the container. As the children were let loose with all the amazing goodies inside, magic happened. Imaginations ran wild we had pirate ships, tractors, robots, princess forts, scientific machines that made jelly, chess boards, submarines, nest machine for an egg, cat cages, houses and water pipe systems. We felt happy and tired because we had to use our strong muscles to carry and lift things. We were busy being pirates, princesses and Queens, builders, plumbers and inventors and thinkers. We used our imaginations to build and create our masterpieces and were resilient as some things were really hard and didn’t work the first time. We never gave up. We worked together as a team and communicated well, some leaders were born. Here are some pictures of our adventure.

Blog post written By LZ4 Room 4