Monday, November 7, 2016

Blue Bots Amazing Adventure

Room 6 - the Creepy Crawlies have been learning how to code robots to make them go where we want them to! We incorporated this with practicing using some new and exciting describing words to write an adventure story. We had fun making all the props we needed for Blue Bots adventure! We made our story into a book! Happy reading! 

Once upon a time there lived a little Blue Bot who had a big smile! He decided to go on an amazing adventure through the land. Blue Bot set off down the long road.
The first land was Blood Red Castle land. Scarey Zombies lived in the creepy castle and they gave Blue Bot a BIG fright !
Blue Bot ran quickly down the road. Suddenly he saw a green tower as tall as the Sky tower!The tower was covered in millions of evil creepy snakes!He saw triangle pyramids covered in dangerous vines. I need to get out of here really fast thought Blue Bot!!!
Blue Bot saw two friendly Aliens
standing by the rocky road. The Aliens were holding Grenade guns.The little red alien said " Where are you going?"
Blue Bot said " On an adventure!"
The Giant blue alien said" I have a grenade gun for you to shoot the spiky dinosaur!" "Thank -you" said Blue Bot.
Blue Bot went slowly past the blood red, spikey and green dinosaur. The dangerous dinosaur roared really loudly. Blue Bot raced away shivering!
Blue Bot slowed down when he
saw a beautiful snow fairy! The forest was full of weird creatures and trees BUT they were all very kind and they made Blue Bot feel very happy! There were giant lovely colorful flowers and a tall

Cheetah fairy! 
Blue Bot came out of the amazing
Magic Fairy Garden- it was the end
of his amazing adventure! Blue
Bot was feeling amazed, brilliantly
happy but very very tired!Blue bot
said " What an EPIC adventure!"


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